掲載日: 2023.01.12

Animation production (movie, SM, PV, CM, etc.)

Price range : Less than 100 million yen

One stop from planning to delivery! High-quality animation video production is possible

Video production in animation such as animation works, animation movies, PR animation, CM, PV

A large-scale animation studio with studios in Tokyo and Nara, based on the concept of creating an animation studio that both creators and viewers can enjoy. The production staff consists of the production team that worked on famous titles, and we are sending out high-quality animation works to the world. Please contact us if you are thinking of producing animation videos such as regular animation works, animation movies, PR animations, commercials, and PVs.

Business locationTokyo
Overseas expansion countriesChina
Possible means of negotiationFace to Face Online
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Special NotesWe provide a one-stop service for animation production from planning to delivery.

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