China・Hong Kong・Macau Macau, Hong Kong, China
Budget : Less than 10 million yen
Budget : Less than 10 million yen
Country/City |
Company Size | 70 employees |
Sales Channel Country | Macau, Hong Kong, China |
Contract Type |
Possible means of negotiation | Face to Face Online |
Special Notes |
Restaurants, bars, trade, HR consultants
We do business with Zipang Port Co., Ltd, Shinseki Shoten, Soma Suisan, and Toriyama Chikusan Shokuhin Co., Ltd.
China・Hong Kong・Macau Macau, Hong Kong, China
Budget : Less than 10 million yen
China・Hong Kong・Macau Macau, Hong Kong, China
Budget : Less than 10 million yen
Matching Platform Services on FiZiT and FiZiP connecting Japan and the world are now available here in Zipang Port Corporation.