掲載日: 2023.04.14

“All insects” insect jewelry /”Vibration” vibrating Jewelry

Price range : Less than 100 million yen

"All insects," an original brand of OBJ Inc. featuring insects.
"Vibration," a jewelry brand that vibrates.

"All insects" insect jewelry /"Vibration" vibrating Jewelry

"All insects" is an art jewelry that focuses on the realistic reproduction of insects such as wasps, swallowtail butterflies, praying mantis, beetles, mountain stag beetles, and giant stag beetles.

"Vibration" is a high jewelry with a vibrating middle part that only our company can make in the world, for which we have obtained a utility model patent.

Each piece is handcrafted by the best artisans in Japan.

Business locationYamanashi
Overseas expansion countriesU.S.A., China, Korea,India, etc.
Possible means of negotiationFace to Face Online
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