掲載日: 2023.06.05

Next Generation All-Purpose Cleaner Miracle Cleaner Z

Price range : Less than 100 million yen

Sustainable all-purpose cleaner that is friendly to both people and the environment

Next Generation All-Purpose Cleaner Miracle Cleaner Z

It is a time-tested, all-purpose cleaner that is both human- and environmentally-friendly, and free of surfactants and other harmful chemicals.

It is a non-foaming cleaner that can replace any detergent.

Reliable quality, adopted by major food factories, cleaning companies, government agencies, and other companies with strict screening standards.

Next-generation cleaner that can also reduce costs.

Business locationFukuoka
Overseas expansion countriesCountries around the world with high levels of hygiene awareness and interest in the SDGs
Possible means of negotiationOnline
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